The core concepts used to develop a solid and meaningful identity, only relatable to this brand.
Every decision made to create this branding follows rigorously these concepts. This is the reason why your branding has meaning and, therefore, it is unique and non-transferible. We encourage to acknowledge these core ideas as a guide compass in any aspect of your company.
Synia represent this abstract concept by using geometric patterns. The "dots" symbolize the assets a company has and Synia organizes them in a beautiful harmonic pattern.
It is important to show consistency, honesty and reliability. Synia does that through the tone of voice, copywriting and clean compositions.
In a digital setting, displaying flexibility is essential. Synia demonstrates its agility through clear information segmentation, varied applications of the dotted pattern, and its color palette.
The fourth concept was introduced to address a specific need. As a startup, it's crucial to quickly catch the eye of potential clients. Attractiveness enhances the main core concepts, making them more appealing and engaging.