
Typography is like body language: a simple sign has a lot of hidden meaning. Typography is an identity by itself, and it should be treated delicately.


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Primary typography


This typography will only be used for titles, subtitles and highlights.

How to use it

When long titles as in the example, the most important part of the sentence will be in capital letters

The separation size in between will be the height of the lower caps sentence minimum

One color will be used per text composition

Both splits can have left or right alignment, but they will always occupy different horizontal spaces on the X-axis

The capital letters are only to be used for the most impactful and short split available in the sentence. Be mindful of copywriting.

There is missing the height between the two splits of the sentence

Two colors are used for the same text composition

The first split is center-aligned and both are in the same X axis position

The space between sentences may vary depending on the total area available

The splits have noticeable different text aligments

The most important split is in capital letters

The height space between splits is not correct

One split is center aligned and there is not enough visual difference between them

Both splits are in capital letters

For two-word sentences we can use capital letters

The space between splits for these cases should adhere to the default text spacing

They have different X positionings and they placed in a corner of the area available

By default, aim to capitalize two-word sentences, although exceptions may be made

The space between splits is not the default by the text

They hace different X positionings and alignment, which is correct, but they are not placed correctly in the space available

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Secondary typography

Acumin Pro

This typography will be used for body text, captions and all content that is not a title, subtitle or highlight.

Simple text compositions

The text blocks should have the same outer margins on both sides

Each text block should be aligned and positioned in a zig zag pattern

While following the zig zag pattern it should be evident the order of the blocks

Only one color must be used per composition

The size difference between the primary text and the secondary text should be noticeable

Text blocks should be aligned in the space and or with each other

For secondary information we should use Acumin Pro

The first split and the second have different side margins

The third text block is not in a zig zag pattern

The order of the blocks (content) is confusing

More than one color is used

The size between the primary and secondary text block are not different enough

The text blocks are not aligned on anything

Acumin Pro is not used for secondary information

Complex text compositions

The two text blocks (1) caption + title and (2) body text are composed in a zig zag pattern

One color is used per composition

Because there is a lof of text we are not using capital letters for the main title

Because there is a lof of text we are not splitting the title

The two text blocks are in the same X axis

More than one color is used

Capital letters is being used when a lot of text is displayed

We are using Acumin Pro for the primary title

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