Like a fingerprint, the logo is a non-transferable and an exclusive signature of a brand that communicates the core attributes.
This version is Sýslumenn's primary logo. We recommend using this version in all internal and external material; marketing, presentations, web applications and other. Other versions of the logo should only be used when specifically required.
This logo will only be used when the background is dark.
This logo is used only with when it is not possible to use the primary one.
This logo will only be used when it is only possible to use the logo in black and white in light backgrounds.
This logo will only be used when it is only possible to use the logo in black and white in dark backgrounds.
We recommend this as clear space for the logo. The clear space is the ammount of space the logo must have on all sides when used to ensure maximum visibility and impact. Once the logo is positioned correctly and sized appropriately, the clear space is determined by the size of the Coat of Arms illustration (see that it is not 100% of its height or width).
Sýslumenn's secondary logo is only text. This version is used only when the Coat of Arms is separated by the design, as instructed in the brandguide (for example, a Power Point template). You can find all the color variants in the downloadable file.
The rules for the subcategory logos are the same as the primary logo.
Each subcategory has its own primary color, hence, all subcategories have an extra variant with it. This variant must be only used for applications related to that specific subcategory only.
All logos for "Skírteini og vottorð".
All logos for "Leyfi og löggildingar".
All logos for "Andlát og dánarbú".
All logos for "Fjölskyldumál".
All logos for "Hjónaband".
All logos for "Gjöld og innheimta".
All logos for "Þinglýsingar og vottanir".
All logos for "Fullnustugerðir".
All logos for "Lögráðamál".
All logos for "Kosningar".
Below are some examples on how the logo should not be used.
Incorrect uses
Do not tilt the logo.
Do not change the spacing within the logo.
Do not warp the logo's shape.
Do not add gradients, drop shadows or any other stylizing edits to the logo.
Do not take out the Coat of Arms out of the main logo. Use the "only text" version.
Do not add foreign elements to the logo.
Do not change the order of the elements.
Do not change the size of the elements.