Other recognizable additional brand elements and how to consistenly use them for effective visual communication.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Sýslumenn.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Skírteini og vottorð.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Leyfi og löggildingar.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Andlát og dánarbú.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Fjölskyldumál.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Hjónaband.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Gjöld og innheimta.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Þinglýsingar og vottanir.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Fullnustugerðir.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Lögráðamál.
A bundle of illustrations and patterns to use across applications for Kosningar.